
Subsidia hagiographica

An indispensable complement to the Acta Sanctorum and the Analecta Bollandiana the Subsidia hagiographica comprises monographs, critical editions and supplementary reference works. These include the catalogues of hagiographical manuscripts of several important libraries as well as the famous Bibliothecae hagiographicae, which list all Greek and Latin hagiographic texts up to 1500 A.D.

Available Volumes:

Subsidia hagiographica

How to order

You can purchase one or more volumes of the Subsidia hagiographica via our Webstore by clicking on the appropriate button. If you want to subscribe to the series, please send an e-mail to the following address: For bulk-purchase, discounts are granted (10 % on the purchase of at least 6 volumes, 25 % on the purchase of the entire collection): in this case, please contact us by e-mail, indicating the volumes you are interested in.