If we except a small subsidy from the Belgian «Fondation Universitaire» for the journal Analecta Bollandiana, the Société des Bollandistes has to sustain its activities entirely by its own means. Maintaining the library at a level of excellence, confronting the costs of new publications and, above all, engaging in new projects is a constant challenge.
In order to support the Bollandists’ activities a fund has been created within the King Baudouin Foundation (FRB/KBS)
Direct donations
Direct, non-tax-deductible donations can be made by bank transfer to the account of the Société:
IBAN : BE40 3100 7396 9963 BIC : BBRUBEBB
with the mention: Donation
or by Paypal to the address: info@bollandistes.be

What your contributions can do for us
- 50 € can add a relevant book to our collection
- 170 € can buy us a yearly subscription to a scholarly journal
- 350 € and more can restore a manuscript or a printed volume in need of care.
Your specific gifts for purchases, restorations or subscriptions are acknowledged with a special bookplate carrying your name in the volume.
Other ways to support us:
Adopt a book
We are the custodians of a large part of our roots and culture but we are not a museum. We are a vibrant research centre, and with your support, our scholarship will continue to enlighten and guide future generations. Amongst our 500,000 book collection there are many that can benefit from being restored. You can choose the book you would like to adopt for restoration from our collection of books printed before 1800. For an adoption of 250 euros or more, your name will figure on a specialised bookplate inside the book and in the special section of our journal, Analecta Bollandiana.
Endowment funds will allow us, the Bollandists, to continue our research and safeguard our heritage for generations to come. They enhance our ability to employ highly qualified researchers, to fund acquisitions, to organise seminars and exhibitions. An outright gift of $100,000 or more can establish a named endowment and will provide funding for our scholarship for generations to come.
Leave a legacy
Remembering the Bollandists in your will, is a way to guarantee the sustainability of our scholarship. It does not matter what the size of your gift is, we will respect your wishes and you will help in assuring the future of this centuries-old institution.
If you need any help please contact:
Or fill the form below