Among the many current periodicals in the world, very few can claim such an authority, that even the oldest issues keep all their usefulness one century after their publication. That is however the case for Analecta Bollandiana, a journal of critical hagiography, edited and published since 1882 by the Société des Bollandistes in Brussels. Since the very beginning, the journal was conceived as a continuous updating of the prestigious Acta Sanctorum series, as well as an entirely new instrument devoted to hagiographical research. Every issue contains both critical editions of hagiographical texts (Greek, Latin, Oriental…), and fundamental studies about hagiography. The articles are published in modern international languages (English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish), each of them being provided with an English and a French summary. About one fifth of each issue is devoted to book reviews and bibliography on hagiography.
Such contents make the Analecta Bollandiana indispensable in any department of medieval, Byzantine, Slavonic or Christian oriental studies, as well as of Church history, comparative religions, ethnology and folklore.
With both the inheritance of the great tradition given by the Acta Sanctorum and the actual support of a highly qualified international scientific committee, Analecta Bollandiana has been for a century and will remain the ideal forum for everyone interested in Christian hagiography.
Latest Issue: Analecta Bollandiana, 142/II (2024)
Stefan Bojowald. Zwei ägyptische survivals im Koptischen.
Die negative Sicht auf den Hund und das Ruder als Bild für leitende Persönlichkeiten
- Summary: In this contribution, two Egyptian survivals in the Coptic hagiographic literature are highlighted. In the first case, the bad image of the dog will be of crucial importance. The phenomenon can be demonstrated by one Coptic and three Egyptian text passages. In the second case, the rudder as metaphor for leading persons is tackled.
Sergey Kim. The Longer Recension of Bishop Zenob’s Sermon On Martyrs.
An Armenian Homily Translated from Syriac
- Summary: The article presents a new edition of the homily On Martyrs preserved in Armenian, in its long recension discovered in MS. Yerevan, Matenadaran 2680; the edition takes into account three MSS of the short recension, not known by its first editor in 1922. The introduction is devoted to a study of the attribution of the text to a certain “bishop Zenob”, of its possible links with the corpus of Georgian and Armenian homilies transmitted under the name of Meletius of Antioch, and of the peculiar syntax of the Armenian text, which betrays an early translation from Syriac. We also demonstrate the preacher’s reliance on the Peshitta and the Lucianic version in his quotations from the Old Testament. An English translation accompanies the critical edition.
Damien Labadie. La Vie géorgienne de Jean d’Édesse. Traduction et commentaire d’une œuvre
à la croisée du maǧlis et de l’hagiographie
- Summary: This article offers a French translation of the Georgian Life of John of Edessa, a hagiographical text produced in a Melkite Syrian milieu in the 10th cent. The introduction presents an overview of all the extant witnesses (Arabic and Georgian) and of the provenance of the work, as well as a commentary of its literary genre. Indeed, the Life of John of Edessa does have a peculiar profile: artfully mingling hagiographical topoi and the genre of the maǧlis («session») literature, this text is to be read and understood in the context of the frequent theological and philosophical debates that the caliphs and emirs encouraged between Jews, Christians, and Muslims around the 9th and 10th cent. in Abbassid times. Offering striking par-allels with such other texts like the Passion of Michael of Mār Sabas and the Life of Theodore of Edessa, the Life of John of Edessa is a most fascinating piece of hagio-graphical literature that has not aroused much scholarly attention so far.
Mathieu Cuijpers. An Ignored Fragment about the Stauroproskynesis on the Third Sunday of Lent.
Euthymius Malakes’s On the Veneration of the Cross
- Summary: This article presents a critical edition of the De adoratione sanctae Crucis by Euthymius Malakes to replace the obsolete and defective text by Allatius. Based on a variety of arguments, the aim is to demonstrate that this text was written by Malakes, its authenticity being attested by the manuscripts, corroborated by verbal parallels with other writings by the same author, and accepted by numerous specialists. Moreover, this text is only a fragment of a larger homily linked to the liturgy of the Stauroproskynesis, largely inspired by older authors and using themes and images that were to have a lasting influence on the religious literature of the late Byzantine and post-Byzantine periods.
Agostino Contò. Le Vite inedite delle sante Teuteria e Tosca e di sant’Osvaldo
- Summary: The MS. published here, written at the end of the 13th cent., contains the oldest narrative of the Life of the two Veronese saints Teuteria and Tosca, commemorated on May 5, and of St Oswald, believed to be Teuteria’s persecutor. It is a luxury hagiographic libellus, formerly in the library of the female monastery of Santa Maria delle Vergini in Campomarzio in Verona, and is an important document for the history of Veronese illumination, as well as an interesting testimony to the circulation and diffusion of the Historia ecclesiastica of Venerable Bede.
Bastien Dubuisson. Le dossier hagiographique de Théodulphe de Trèves, homologue de Théodulphe
de Saint-Thierry du Mont d’Hor
- Summary: This article examines the evolution of the hagiographic dossier of St Theodulf of Trier at the end of the Middle Ages. Unfortunately, the manuscripts from Trier containing texts dedicated to this saint have disappeared, leaving only modern editions for study. From the discovery of the saint’s body in the 13th cent. to the promotion of his relics in the early 16th cent. during the introduction of a great pilgrimage in Trier, the analysis of the dossier reveals various attempts by the Dominican community of the city to revitalise the cult of St Theodulf, the latter having gradually become associated with a namesake from Reims.
Ivan Biliarsky. The Vita of Saint Gregory Decapolita in Slavic Manuscript 307 of the Collection of the Library
of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest
- Summary: Manuscript Sl. 307 of the Library of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest, which is in very poor material condition, contains the text of the Synaxarion of Nicephorus Callistus Xanthopulus, with a full text of the Synodikon of Orthodoxy. Subsequently, I discovered a Vita of St Gregory Decapolita. The text of the Vita is extensively damaged and barely legible, but it is obvious that this is not one of the known Vitae of the saint. In a previous article, I proposed the hypothesis that this text might be the only known copy of the Slavic translation of a heavily abridged version of Gregory’s Vita by Ignatius the Deacon. In this study, I offer the edition of the available text of this unique copy, accompanied by an interpretation of the work in its historical and literary contexts.
Bernard Joassart. Le subside gouvernemental alloué aux Bollandistes (1837-1869).
Histoire d’un enjeu idéologique (II)
- Summary: As soon as it was reestablished in 1837, the Bollandist Society received an annual subsidy from the Belgian government: it was a “national” high-quality work. But very soon, voices were raised, particularly within the liberal political world, against this subsidy: was it necessary for the government to support such a Jesuit-run enterprise ? Often called into question, the grant was finally abolished in 1869. Though costing the state very little, this affair reflected, among other things, the opposition between the two major political tendencies of the time – Catholics and Liberals –, which, over the decades, put an end to the unionism of 1830. Not to mention the “fear of the Jesuits”.
François Dolbeau. Catalogues de manuscrits latins. Inventaire hagiographique (quarantième série)
Publications reçues
Robert GODDING (Director), Bernard JOASSART, Xavier LEQUEUX, François DE VRIENDT, and Pietro D’AGOSTINO (Editor-in-Chief)
Scientific Committee
Theofried BAUMEISTER (Mainz), Sebastian BROCK (Oxford), Tommaso CALIÒ (Roma), Paolo CHIESA (Milano), François DOLBEAU (Paris), Sergey KIM (Lausanne), Damien LABADIE (Lyon), Cécile LANÉRY (Paris), Michael LAPIDGE (Cambridge), José Carlos MARTIN IGLESIAS (Salamanca), Jacques NORET (Brussels), Pádraig Ó RIAIN (Cork), Flavia RUANI (Paris), Herman SELDESLACHTS (Louvain-la-Neuve), Ugo ZANETTI (Chevetogne)
Previously unpublished contributions submitted for possible publication, as well as PDF of articles on hagiographical topics (to be included in the list of “Received Publications”), should be sent to
Books for review should be sent to:
Analecta Bollandiana Editorial
Société des Bollandistes
Boulevard Saint-Michel 24
1040 Brussels (Belgium)
The journal is published twice a year (in June and December) in issues of 240 pages each. You may choose between two formulas of subscription:
- Print only: 140 € (shipping included). Please contact:
- Print + Online: 204 € (shipping included). Please contact:
Inventaire hagiographique des tomes 1 à 100 (1882-1982)
443 p. An alphabetical list of saints with the reference to the articles and book reviews devoted to them in Analecta Bollandiana.
Indices in tomos I-XX (1882-1901)
148 p.
Indices in tomos XXI-XL (1902-1922)
255 p.
Indices in tomos XLI-LX (1923-1942)
348 p.
Indices in tomos LXI-LXXX (1943-1962)
276 p.
Indices 81 (1963) – 100 (1982)
320 p.
Indices 101 (1983) – 120 (2002)
281 p.
Inventaire thématique des tomes 1 à 125 (1882-2007)
60 p. This index contains all the topics of the articles published in Analecta Bollandiana during 125 years, except the names of the saints, which are included in the Indices and Inventaire hagiographique. This is an excerpt from Analecta Bollandiana 126 (2008).
How to order
To purchase one or more volumes of the Analecta Bollandiana or to subscribe to the journal, please send an e-mail to the following address: