News/ Events

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris.

  • Pope Francis in Our Library

    Amidst the busy schedule of his apostolic travel to Belgium, Pope Francis took the time, on Saturday evening, to visit the Bollandist Library and review some of our publications. Before leaving he kindly consigned his blessing to our Guest Book. His visit and support are a tremendous encouragement to our team and will remain a…

  • New Issue of Analecta Bollandiana (142/I)

    The first issue of vol. 142 (2024) of Analecta Bollandiana has just been published.  Here are the contents:  SOMMAIRE / CONTENTS Witold WITAKOWSKI. The Ethiopic Version of the Story of Mamas the Martyr. Ethiopic Text Edited with English Translation [p. 5-53] Paulo Farmhouse ALBERTO. The Confessio beatissimae Leocadiae. A Reassessment with a Critical Edition (BHL…