A Passionate Team
We are a small group of researchers, historians and philologists with a shared passion for hagiography. The cult of the saints has given rise to an immense literary, archaeological and artistic heritage. Heirs to the great tradition inaugurated by Jean Bolland in the 16th century, we want to continue to make this heritage known, to bring to light its many as yet unknown witnesses, and to do so with both the sympathy implicit in any historical approach and the rigour of critical analysis that lends authority to research..
A Treasure to Preserve
The treasure of the Bollandists is of course their library, a unique documentation centre on the saints and their cult. There is no shortage of manuscripts, incunabula and rare and precious works. But beyond the material treasure, there is another, undoubtedly even more precious: a team of specialised researchers, a treasure trove of skills, a tradition handed down through the centuries, unparalleled research tools. The continued existence of such a centre of excellence, which receives no public subsidy, depends largely on the support of private benefactors.
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