
Analecta Bollandiana

Among the many current periodicals in the world, very few can claim such an authority, that even the oldest issues keep all their usefulness one century after their publication. That is however the case for Analecta Bollandiana, a journal of critical hagiography, edited and published since 1882 by the Société des Bollandistes in Brussels. Since the very beginning, the journal was conceived as a continuous updating of the prestigious Acta Sanctorum series, as well as an entirely new instrument devoted to hagiographical research. Every issue contains both critical editions of hagiographical texts (Greek, Latin, Oriental…), and fundamental studies about hagiography. The articles are published in modern international languages (English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish), each of them being provided with an English and a French summary. About one fifth of each issue is devoted to book reviews and bibliography on hagiography.

Such contents make the Analecta Bollandiana indispensable in any department of medieval, Byzantine, Slavonic or Christian oriental studies, as well as of Church history, comparative religions, ethnology and folklore.

With both the inheritance of the great tradition given by the Acta Sanctorum and the actual support of a highly qualified international scientific committee, Analecta Bollandiana has been for a century and will remain the ideal forum for everyone interested in Christian hagiography.


Robert GODDING (Director), Bernard JOASSART, Xavier LEQUEUX, François DE VRIENDT, and Pietro D’AGOSTINO (Editor-in-Chief)

Scientific Committee

Theofried BAUMEISTER (Mainz), Sebastian BROCK (Oxford), Tommaso CALIÒ (Roma), Paolo CHIESA (Milano), François DOLBEAU (Paris), Sergey KIM (Lausanne), Damien LABADIE (Lyon), Cécile LANÉRY (Paris), Michael LAPIDGE (Cambridge), José Carlos MARTIN IGLESIAS (Salamanca), Jacques NORET (Brussels), Pádraig Ó RIAIN (Cork), Flavia RUANI (Paris), Herman SELDESLACHTS (Louvain-la-Neuve), Ugo ZANETTI (Chevetogne)


Previously unpublished contributions submitted for possible publication, as well as PDF of articles on hagiographical topics (to be included in the list of “Received Publications”), should be sent to

Books for review should be sent to:

Analecta Bollandiana Editorial
Société des Bollandistes
Boulevard Saint-Michel 24
1040 Brussels (Belgium)


The journal is published twice a year (in June and December) in issues of 240 pages each.  You may choose between two formulas of subscription:


How to order

To purchase one or more volumes of the Analecta Bollandiana or to subscribe to the journal, please send an e-mail to the following address: